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boobs over bait

Fireworks greet us in Omaha, Nebraska moments after we pull in. It's already the fourth but it's only the first. Somehow, though I can't speak for my compatriots, the ten hour drive here seemed shorter than drives previous.

It is both strange and familiar to revisit your hometown. Normal, yet abbey-normal simultaneously (s.o. to Young Frankenstein). Many of the faces remain the same, slightly older, maybe more mature (only in select cases). The love that you share remains fully intact, illuminated by a long overdue visit. In short, a hometown is made up not only of the places that whisper ghosts of a past life, but also the people who carry on always on the back-burner somehow of a newer, faster one. In Eagle, we were met not with fireworks, but with warm glowing embers. Yes, we drank wine on Thursday night when we got there. Yes, Scott, I drank a lot of wine. But c'mon, we were along for the ride! Our visit to Eagle was a part of something larger than just us. It's summer; it's about the party!

We didn't know what to expect from the Bonfire Brewery. We arrived in the afternoon, and they didn't even seem to realize that they were expecting a band (a frequent reaction to The Mother Pluckers showing up on your doorstep). We set up and warmed up a little, hesitantly, outside. The sky looked dubious. As show time rolled around it began to drizzle and we had to reinforce our tarp shelter, causing only minor panic and concern for the equipment that has so quickly become extensions, albeit finicky, of ourselves.

Showtime. I mean it.

For about two and a half hours at the Bonfire Brewery in my hometown, Eagle, Colorado, we were rockstars. My only regret is that I never tried to crowd surf.

It was truly humbling to look out over a sea of faces beaming back at me. Yes it's cheesy, but I had about fifteen moms in the audience. It made me realize what fantastic women I grew up with; what total badasses! I will ALWAYS choose boobs before bait (Poor Matt Dowd, he just wanted to go fishing instead of taking the ladies on the river. He won't live that down for a while). In addition to these wonderful badass ladies, is the wonderful badass lady that I am privileged to call my mom who brought all of them into my life. We often joke about the crazy cast of characters that make up her friend group, each wacky and powerful in his or her own right. I wouldn't trade any of them for the world.

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